Deliveries at home must be the boon and the bane of one's life. Whatever the cause, a beloved book, a new computer, or even the more mundane: such as the car's annual service; you weigh up where you could receive the parcel. Here's the nub: deliveries usually occur during the day - that is when these firms function. That is fine. However, most people work during the day so if the parcel is delivered, they are not likely to be at their home.
What should be a simple and straightforward task becomes stressful and annoying. Can you receive the parcel at work? If not, can you trust a neighbour? Not always, and certainly not in some parts of town, if you get my meaning.
One would assume that delivery firms would have taken the needs of the recipient into account, as in, they work. This is not the case. So you will get an email stating that Parcel X will arrive sometime between the hours of Y and Z: you enter the office at Y, you leave at Z. You dream of a Tardis, or a Star Trek transporter, or 'working from home' or strangling which Fat Controller decided this stupid policy.
That is why there have been no posts: I have been irked by this dilemma: switching ISPs and waiting or the new materials to arrive.
Normal service will now resume....