The Independent, in its leader, tries to maintain a moral high ground in welcoming political intrusion (defined as external influence and regulation) by distinguishing between itself and the popular press. The distinction lies between those who provide information at a profit and those who don't. Such organs, who believe free speech is best curbed by rules and regulations, welcomed the Hacked Off campaign and want the right people to be able to gag the Sun.
Our politicians have gagged the press at the behest of celebrities; when the victims of NHS maltreatment or medical cover-ups warned that the new rules could destroy investigative journalism.
Freddie Astbury, president of Thalidomide UK and a victim of the side-effects of the morning sickness drug, said: “With thalidomide we learned the lesson that it’s very important to have a free press.
“If the Lib Dems and Labour introduce a law making it harder to investigate things like this they will be protecting the likes of pharmaceutical companies and not protecting the victims"
The voices of victims will find it much harder to reach the public from tonight just so left-wing politicians can spare their own blushes and that of their pet celebrities. Scum is a useful collective for those who have destroyed Britain's freedom of speech.