Robert White of "The Atlantic" is one of those portentous scribes who defines rationality as people who think like me. On this occasion, People who think like Me, are scanning the most obscure utterances of Israeli officials an concluding that they are bluffing. Indeed, so poor and indigent are the Israeli officials and blinded by their dependence upon the United States; their foreign policy can be reduced to "influence Obama". Or that would be the case if they were rational such as People who think like me, since White must be right.
Such startling insights are then applied to Iran whose anti-semitic eliminationist rhetoric can be discounted because the chances of them launching an attack on Israel can be measured as "zilch". After all, we know that those who shout that they wish to drive the Jews into the sea are merely joshing with a small liberal democracy under siege. Should we just discount what people say when it is irrational (in the eyes of people like White) or shall we take them at their word?
When will White write "New Evidence that Iran Is Bluffing About Israel"?