The first glimmerings of the budget are beginning to be reported in the newspapers. Like the freezing of parts of the state pension, Labour will proceed to raise tax without provoking headlines. Milton Friedman famously regretted the creation of PAYE tax systems and Labour have exploited that subtle perception of net that downgrades awareness of tax. But the erosion of disposable income in April, caused by a freezing of the tax bracket and a rise in national insurance contributions will be noticed.
Moreover, this will hit the poor. Fiscal drag will bring more into the tax system accompanied by the usual bleats of tax credits. None of this reached left-wing bastions, of course, where Darling's podcast is lauded for telling everyone what a good job they have done and here is some money for a Green Investment Bank.
But let's not mention the debt, the deficit or the recession. I shall expect the markets will demand more than "efficiency savings" or moves towards the top quartile in crap performance. It takes the biscuit when they say they will reduce marketing spend: not much need when the election is out of the way and your agitprop is no longer required.
Even at the last, they just cannot abandon deceit and shite promises that no-one believes.