Macavity's absence is not unusual. Another of his psychological oddities surfacing in public behaviour. All of these are drivers towards defeat. At a conversation over Breakfast, what would be the post-electoral shape of the Labour party. Given three trends:
the attenuation of its electoral base in the white working class;
the financing of its activities by a trade union movement located in the public sector;
a need to draw divisions with the Tories by an artificial class conflict rooted in the New Left and legislating for social engineering by equality of outcomes.
The "New Left" Labour Party, dominated by public sector professionals is the most likely rump at the next election: an extension of the Brown regime, rather than a reaction to it. Its likely leader: Harriet Harman: and the headlines peddled:
Harmanisation, Harmany and so on and so forth.
My favourite will be the headline if she leads Labour to electoral defeat in 2015;
Out of Harm's Way