“Like many MPs, I employed an accountant to prepare tax returns for
each of the years in question to ensure that the correct amount of tax was
Alistair Darling responded to the revelation that he, and nine of his Cabinet colleagues, used their parliamentary allowances to pay for an accountant to prepare their private tax return. Yet, the Inland Revenue clearly states that you may not claim the preparation of a private tax return as a legitimate business expense. There is also the small fact, highly relevant, that the MPs expenses are tax free. By deduction, Darling claimed for a tax return on that portion of his income that did not encompass his parlimentary duties. One rule for him who sets the rules on our taxes. Isn't it time the entire Cabinet stood down?
A tax expert described the claims as “scandalous”, especially as the expenses
are tax-free..
Whilst many of the scandals have not moved me, this strikes and burns as a symbol of utter hypocrisy. The same fire that has ignited in other electors now flames up in my heart: and the hypocrisy redoubles my ire, as these MPs were the ones who made the rules and then exempted themselves. Never again do I wish to hear some Labour upstart lecture on social justice and fairness when they act the opposite in conduct and attitude.
New Labour have managed to reach new depths of hypocrisy. Scum.