A Singularity sceptic considers why robots will not kill us by 2045. He is a sceptic in the sense that anyone faced by the blue screen of death has some trouble visualizing robots going from Windows to the Cylons. Could you see a Centurion freezing or Hal having to reboot? No, of course not.
The expertise of the sceptic is questionable, playing Pong notwithstanding, but he does provide some guidance as to the killquests that the descendants of certain firms might or might not enjoy. I note that they can't quite get the patter right. Where is "Death to the Fleshy Ones"?:
Obliteration of humanity thwarted when publisher decides not to
digitize book titled, "How To Obliterate Humanity"; robots unfamiliar
with the Dewey Decimal System....
Apple: Floating brain of Steve Jobs
decides death lasers and brain scramblers "don't look cool," replaces
killer robots with beautifully crafted titanium orbs that do nothing
but emit a lovely amber glow; humanity, entranced, surrenders anyway.
Still, if this comes to pass, we just have to endure the Robot Wars.