I attended the annual Libertarian Alliance conference in London this weekend and refreshed my sometime hazy adherence to the faith, open-ended and open-minded of course. There was interesting red meat to devour as always, but my aim is to discuss the timely appearance of Progressive Vision.
They are still not high enough on Google as yet. I was sidetracked by some Idaho outfit and a loathsome vision that portrayed Fabian and Toynbee before my At seven on the Google list comes in the new think-tank run by Shane Frith and Mark Littlewood. Not high enough as yet, since they MUST aim to displace the Miliband conference advocating social injustice and continual illiteracy.
The website is worthy and wordy, and a little too green around the gills for my tastes. Yet, they are not trying to persuade nutters like me. We would just condemn to the fringe, the word that only denotes quality in Edinburgh. They are already getting hits in the media and campaigning on a wide range of fronts where a classical liberal voice is wanting in the United Kingdom.
This welcome alliance of a think-tank with links to both the Liberal Democrats and the Tories warms a faint heart and makes me look forward to the day when we have crushed the socialist tribe of Labour. One to keep an eye on.