The European Union has attained the symbolic maturity of a fully fledged state. It happened a few days ago but EUFOR managed to shoot someone. Yes, they were shooting back and the force had come under fire. However, the symbol counts, even if there may have been other occasions: The EU has killed, and like any animal, a state that tastes blood, savours more....
The wife and son of a Bosnian Serb war crimes fugitive fired four clips
from an AK-47 at Italian troops who came to arrest him before a soldier
killed her and wounded the boy, the European Union peace force said on
Friday. Far from being an innocent bystander mowed down in a
crossfire by trigger-happy soldiers, as Bosnian Serb President Dragan
Cavic angrily alleged, Rada Abazovic went down in Thursday's shoot-out
with guns blazing, according to the EU's version.
Stung by criticism that assumed its troops were to blame, the EUFOR
peacekeeping mission gave a detailed account of the action near
Rogatica, stressing that the three members of the Abazovic family fired
first and fired repeatedly.
The EU has arrived.