Let us return to that strange world of sunkissed foreignness and pulsating ululations that cry out to the British Army. Now our great panjundrum has visited and dispensed all of the influence possessed by aminor viceroy of a great power: accorded respect and attention for the while that his troops patrol the streets of Basra. Their mission is compromised: those who freed naturally seek revenge against the minority that have lorded over them. There will always be fanatics willing to reopen a centuries long war. Increased patrols will not cease this fight.
AMID growing fears about the length of time before British troops can be withdrawn from Iraq, defence chiefs have ordered a crackdown on locally trained police accused of torturing civilians.
British officials have decided that they must commit more resources to supervising the mainly Shiite commando units accused of conducting a 'dirty war' against the Sunni minority in the area around Basra.
They have handed the keys of the republic to the people and carved out a democracy. In a declaration of completion, Straw heralded a new government for a united Iraq, downplaying visions of partition or confederation. Yet, in an act of realism, acknowledged stability is awarded by withdrawal. Let these Shi'as take the hint and postpone their civil wars and Sunni bloodletting for better days when Tommy has returned to northern climes.